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24/7 real-time monitoring and alerting

OmniWatch has the most complete all-inclusive alarm escalation procedure on the market.

Get in touch

How the 3-stage alarm escalation works

Each alarm stage waits 15 minutes before escalating to the next stage to give users time to acknowledge the alarm. At each stage a user can decide to be:

Stage 1

Email alerts

Email alerts are the first level of communication within OmniWatch.

Emails are broadcast the moment an alert condition is discovered and logged.

Emails contain all the information you need to know regarding what has caused the alarm and includes any linked documents such as floor-plans and trend data.

Stage 2

SMS alerts

SMS messages are sent 15 minutes later if no-one has acknowledged the Stage 1 email.

The text contains a brief overview of the issue.

Users can confirm receipt of the alarm by replying to the SMS, this ceases the alarm escalation procedure and lets other team members know you are aware of the issue.

Stage 3

UK call centre

Spook's UK call centre manages alerts 15 minutes after the Stage 2 SMS message if no-one has replied to the original text. The agents are tasked with calling customer personnel in-line with the pre-agreed emergency rota.

All call information, for example who was called and at what time they were contacted, are logged within OmniWatch for future reference and audio recordings are available upon request.

Each alarm stage clearly lists who, within the rota, were emailed, texted and contacted by the call centre together with time and date stamps of each broadcasted stage.


Spook provides peace of mind in that we can monitor all aspects of our server room in realtime. Alarms are handled by OmniWatch 24/7 and easily takes into account our out-of-office hours emergency contact process. We can review all alarms historically and check trend date for sensors too, this makes management reviews for incidents simple and easy.

P&O Ferrymasters

P&O Ferrymasters

Custom schedules

Emergency contact timetables can vary. Calendars are pre-configured to reflect the times a member of your team is available.

This includes those who do not follow conventional 9-5 office hours, have staggered shift patterns or have fully flexible working hours.

Availability status

For organisations who operate a rota for emergency contact there is an easy ‘active/inactive’ function for each contact.

Simply activate or deactivate availability as and when their rota changes.

Regional and departmental workflow

Spook's customers range from single room installations to multiple locations across national and international borders.

When multi-territory monitoring is required sometimes a regional manager may only need to know what is happening in their district. Whereas the global team may need an enterprise centric view across all regions and territories.

Even at local level there may be a need for different departments to be responsible for their own monitoring. For example, water ingress monitoring may be the remit of the facilities department whereas the temperature of a room or server cabinet may be the responsibility of another department.

Used by

Alder Hey Children's
Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership
Creative Assembly
Clatterbridge Cancer Centre
East Riding of Yorkshire
Friends Provident
Greene King
Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells
P&O Ferrymasters
St Albans
Thermo Fisher
  • 888
  • Alder Hey Children's
  • Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership
  • Creative Assembly
  • Clatterbridge Cancer Centre
  • East Riding of Yorkshire
  • Fiskars
  • Friends Provident
  • Generali
  • Greene King
  • Handelsbanken
  • Hilti
  • Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital
  • Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells
  • Muller
  • Nisa
  • P&O Ferrymasters
  • Principality
  • Reed
  • St Albans
  • Thermo Fisher
  • Vax
  • Waterstones

Get in touch with Spook

Please contact us if you wish for further information on how Spook can help with your environmental and power monitoring needs.

Contact us